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PATIKIMAS Konsultantas

PATIKIMAS Konsultantas

Mes padėsime Jums žengti žingsnį į priekį

Pedab Group is one hundred percent owned by the founding family. This gives us the flexibility to grow at our own pace with a powerful vision, and to build long-term relationships in a healthy business environment.

Being family-owned has always shaped our corporate culture and provides a solid foundation for our success. We aim at close co-operation based on loyalty and fair play. We always strive for building durable relationships and win-win partnerships. We deliver solutions and services that create genuine added value.

This has led to steady growth ever since 1993, when Pedab first was established.

As a family-owned company active in eight European countries, we take pride in having local expertise with a regional reach. We can also flexibly react to global trends and transform ideas rapidly into effective results in the local markets.

We help you stay one step ahead

From our local start over 30 years ago to our European presence today Pedab has enjoyed a steady growth and constant enrichment of our offerings.

Every step along the way has enabled us to better fulfill our purpose of preparing our customers for the future.

We believe that the future of a successful business depends on the IT decisions that are made today. Whether the goal is to expand into new markets or develop new services, a sharp technological edge is the best way to operate efficiently and stay competitive. A proactive IT strategy predicts future needs and creates reliable IT environments that can handle those needs as they appear.

We are privileged to work with cutting-edge technology and employ some of the most talented people in the IT industry. Together with our ecosystem we always try to provide the best value combination of solutions, services and delivery for the optimal customer solution. We build long-term partnerships with those who share our passion and work in close collaboration to achieve our goal of helping businesses stay one step ahead.


Mūsų vertybės

PEDAB verslas paremtas keturiomis pagrindinėmis vertybėmis:

1. Mes vadovaujamės geros lyderystės principais. Mes drąsūs ir pasitikime tuo, ką darome. Mes planuojame savo veiklą ir vykdome planus.

2. Mumis galima pasitikėti – mes gerbiame įsipareigojimus, esame sąžiningi ir skaidrūs.

3. Mes visada mąstome pozityviai, veikiame proaktyviai, esame atviri naujiems darbo metodams ir siekiame bendradarbiavimo.

4. Mes orientuoti į verslumą visose savo veiklose.
